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Yesh Kemach
Where There Is Bread
There Is Torah
Home during the pandemic from March 2020 to August 2021, Ilana Friedman, PhD, and her young children embarked on an experiential parsha learning project through the creative shaping of challah. They called their journey Yesh Kemach (There is Bread), a reference to the Talmudic adage, “where there is no bread, there is no Torah; where there is no Torah, there is no bread.”
Over the course of the pandemic, Friedman built her family Torah learning project into a thriving Instagram channel featuring weekly parsha-themed challot accompanied by explanations and original words of Torah.
Now, those challot and words of Torah are finally be available in a beautiful print edition. Perfect for weekly study, baking inspiration, and as a Shabbat table companion!
• Over 100 pages of Torah insights and full-page photos
• Ilana’s tried-and-true challah recipe
• Strategies for learning and baking with kids
• Tips and tricks to make your challot look spectacular